tydrax618 × famicon express (Caffeine & Hate T-shirts by Stef Sadler) 通販 | SUPPLY TOKYO online store
tydrax618 × famicon express

Caffeine & Hate T-shirts by Stef Sadler

Leomi Sadlerが創設したfamicon expressによるLimited collection。こちらはStef Sadlerデザインによるもの。

  • ¥7,150 (tax included)
  • SIZE


    Overseas Shopping Guide ※ For customers using our shop from outside of Japan, please refer to the Overseas Shopping Guide before using our site.
肩幅 身幅 着丈 袖丈
L 47cm 55cm 72cm 22cm
XL 51cm 60cm 73cm 22cm
  1. TOP
  2. ITEMS
  3. Independent Label
  4. Caffeine & Hate T-shirts by Stef Sadler